I have, therefore, issued today an Executive Order creating the President's Committee on Civil Rights and I am asking this Committee to prepare for me a written report. We must provide the Department of Justice with the tools to do the job. The protection of our democratic institutions and the enjoyment by the people of their rights under the Constitution require that these weak and inadequate statutes should be expanded and improved. Yet in its discharge of the obligations placed on it by the Constitution, the Federal Government is hampered by inadequate civil rights statutes. The Constitutional guarantees of individual liberties and of equal protection under the laws clearly place on the Federal Government the duty to act when state or local authorities abridge or fail to protect these Constitutional rights. Wherever the law enforcement measures and the authority of Federal, state, and local governments are inadequate to discharge this primary function of government, these measures and this authority should be strengthened and improved. The preservation of civil liberties is a duty of every Government-state, Federal and local. In some places, from time to time, the local enforcement of law and order has broken down, and individuals - sometimes ex-servicemen, even women - have been killed, maimed, or intimidated. Today, Freedom From Fear, and the democratic institutions which sustain it, are again under attack. It was so after the last war, when organized groups fanned hatred and intolerance, until, at times, mob action struck fear into the hearts of men and women because of their racial origin or religious beliefs. And from time to time, and in some places, this freedom has been gravely threatened. Yet all parts of our population are not equally free from fear. This is the report which we have prepared in accordance with the instructions which you gave to us in your statement and Executive Order on December 5, 1946:įreedom From Fear is more fully realized in our country than in any other on the face of the earth. Electing Our Presidents Teacher Workshop.Collection Policy and Donating Materials.

An Ordinary Man, His Extraordinary Journey.