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This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction. But if you prefer to focus on stocks that have demonstrated insider buying, here is a list of companies with insider buying in the last three months. However, the company expects softer demand for its products and services in the second half of 2022. Product sales primarily drive Surmodics' (SRDX) third-quarter top-line growth. Before you take the next step you should know about the 1 warning sign for Surmodics that we have uncovered. Surmodics (SRDX) Beats on Q3 Earnings, Revises FY22 View. The combination sparks joy for me, so I'd consider keeping the company on a watchlist. Just as polish makes silverware pop, the high level of insider ownership enhances my enthusiasm for this growth. One positive for Surmodics is that it is growing EPS. Story continues Is Surmodics Worth Keeping An Eye On?

That amounts to a small improvement of 8.7%. Over twelve months, Surmodics increased its EPS from US$0.49 to US$0.54. Thus, it makes sense to focus on more recent growth rates, instead. For the past four years, Dallas Mavericks forward Dorian Finney-Smith has held youth basketball camps and food drives as a way to give back to his hometown of Portsmouth. So the actual rate of growth doesn't tell us much. In the last three years Surmodics's earnings per share took off like a rocket fast, and from a low base. View our latest analysis for Surmodics How Fast Is Surmodics Growing Its Earnings Per Share? While a well funded company may sustain losses for years, unless its owners have an endless appetite for subsidizing the customer, it will need to generate a profit eventually, or else breathe its last breath. While profit is not necessarily a social good, it's easy to admire a business that can consistently produce it. (SRDX), including valuation measures, fiscal year financial statistics, trading record, share statistics. So if you're like me, you might be more interested in profitable, growing companies, like Surmodics ( NASDAQ:SRDX). Find out all the key statistics for Surmodics, Inc. Unfortunately, high risk investments often have little probability of ever paying off, and many investors pay a price to learn their lesson. The company was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.Like a puppy chasing its tail, some new investors often chase 'the next big thing', even if that means buying 'story stocks' without revenue, let alone profit. This segment offers protein stabilization reagents, substrates, surface coatings, and antigens. The IVD segment designs, develops, and manufactures component products and technologies for diagnostic immunoassay, as well as molecular test and biomedical research applications. The Medical Device segment engages in the provision of surface modification coating technologies to enhance access, deliverability, and predictable deployment of medical devices and drug-delivery coating technologies to provide site-specific drug-delivery from the surface of a medical device for coronary, peripheral, neuro-vascular and structural heart, and other markets, as well as design, development, and manufacturing of interventional medical devices, primarily balloons and catheters, including drug-coated balloons for peripheral arterial disease treatment and other applications. It operates in two segments, Medical Device and In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD). Surmodics, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides surface modification technologies for intravascular medical devices, and chemical components for in vitro diagnostic immunoassay tests and microarrays in the United States and internationally.